Miroslav Zeman

Helping developers survive a Typescript world.

Are you looking for a full-stack Typescript developer with focus on frontend development using React? Well, you have found one!

Get ready! PR brainwash begins here!

I'm freaking wizard! Check what I'm doing

Fullstack to the moon!

I’m a PERN guy! I kinda well React to typescript frontend and even backend too. Truth to be told, I do it all!

Micro-service architecture!

I'm building Typescript solutions with REST and OpenAPI! GraphQL fans here? Well I know that too!

Micro-frontend architecture!

I'm building Typescript solutions using React! Storybook, SSR/CSR, monorepo... My favourite stuff to be honest!

Teacher and educator!

I have educational background. It’s completely useless degree but at least I know how to explain things really well.

#soft-skills matters!

I'm the one who enjoys leading a team and gathering them all for a proper morning coffee-time. It's a skill too!

DevOps! All-in-one solution!

Well, this is a lie. I kinda sucks here, but in the end all of the CI/CD and Docker stuff magically works!

Learn more about me

It's time for self-advertising!

Looking for an Avenger with "that" skillset?

There's my LinkedIn, just send me a message! If you include #zerotomiro in there I'm gonna be super-nice to you, ok? Good!
Also, If you need a resume, there's one ready right for you!

Download resumeIt's just a button, click it!
I know you want to.

Got a good tech-stack? Let’s build something then!

Working with big boys and start-ups too!


2015 - present
Lead frontend developer

I'm building complete React & Typescript micro-frontend solutions from a scratch, leading teams, supporting interns, doing interviews and more!


2020 - present
Fullstack Typescript developer


2016 - 2017
Junior Typescript developer


2014 - 2015
Junior PHP & Javascript developer
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I’m also ironical natural shit-talking teacher!

Let’s learn that shit together, shall we?!

The educational courses are coming soon!

Have a nice day!

I'm done.


Psst! I know how to completely destroy a production database. People tell me not to mention that, but it takes some skill too.

All rights reserved © Miroslav Zeman 2022