Miroslav Zeman
Who am i?

Hey, I’m Miro and
I don't know how to fix your printer!

I’m a lead frontend developer who takes care of complete application development cycle starting from database schemas, API/client development, testing and containerized deployment.

Sounds more like fullstack developer description, right? Well, you are right! I focus mostly on frontend development but I’m also doing backend and devops cause I like building applications from the ground up.

T-shaped developer, sounds familiar? Well, that’s me!

Photo of me

Escaped the hell in 2020

What is my education?

University of Ostrava
Master's degree - IT Education
It's useless, but was completely worth it! 💪

Never ending story

How long I’m doing this?

I’ve started working as developer since 2012. Shit-code still happens, but it’s always a higher quality than before. 🙏

I’m a "good" guy

Why do you want me?

I have already blew out one production environment, so it should be safe to work with me now. 😂


I’m also a folk dancer and I love a wine!

Yeah, It never ends well when I’m going to the cellar! 😂

About of me in folklor
I'm team player

It’s simple. I do my work and teach people around me! Cool right?!

I love working in a team and surrounding myself with great people. Want to join my team? LinkedIn!

Knowledge sharing

I’m an educator so I can’t help myself to share some insight with tips & tricks all the time. I’m also really grateful for any tip I get myself.

Pair programming

Do you have a problem? Let’s take a look and solve that issue together so we have more time on more complicated things.

Supportive behavior and leadership

Are you looking for a guy with really bad anger management and violence issues? Good luck, but you won’t find him here!

It's not a bug, it's a feature!

I'm that "joker" guy who can't just shut up and is having fun all the time because he likes his job, the people around and challanges coming his way

Have a nice day!

I'm done.


Psst! I know how to completely destroy a production database. People tell me not to mention that, but it takes some skill too.

All rights reserved © Miroslav Zeman 2022