Miroslav Zeman


Lead frontend developer / 2015 - present


I’ve been working on about 20 projects, from heavy form dependent applications, education or reservation systems to fintech solutions using on-prem, Azure or AWS providers.

I’ve been responsible for designing a complete frontend solutions using React & Typescript, building entire micro-frontend architecture including automation and improvement of processes with custom codegens, eslint rules, code formatters etc.


I’m leading frontend teams, supporting and guiding interns, designing architecture for React applications and building solutions completely from a scratch.

I’m also an organiser of a proper morning coffee-time and weekly Burger Friday events! btw: Yes! We are still fit with no health issues! 😂

Want to join us?!

Do you want to be part of corporation with great culture and develop a software which totally doesn't sucks? LinkedIn! Let’s have a chat and see what we can do! 🔥


I'm building complete React & Typescript micro-frontend solutions from a scratch, leading teams, supporting interns, doing interviews and more!

Frontend stack

    bootstrapchakracontext apicsrcypresshbsjestmaterial-uinxreactreact testing libraryreact-queryreduxredux-sagassrtypescript

Backend stack

    c#entity frameworkmediatropen apipostgresrest

Devops stack

    awsazuredockergithub actionsshell


Fullstack Typescript developer / 2020 - present


I'm using Typescript for all of my side-projects. I have no issues with setting up projects from the start. I can design a complete architecture, setup entire environments, configure and automate all the necessary CI/CD stuff... Basically I'm able to build your frontend/backend solution from nothing to something and make it developer friendly! Cool right!? 😎

Want to build something?!

Do you want to build something cool? Looking for a Typescript guy?! Then send me a message on LinkedIn! Let's have a chat and see what you can offer! 🚀


I'm Typescript fanboy. I use Typescript literally for everything. Setting up databases, building APIs or clients. Yeap, everything!

Frontend stack

    chakra-uicontext apicypressfigmahbsjestnextnxreactreact-queryreduxredux-sagassrtypescript

Backend stack

    graphqlhbsjestnestnodeopen apipostgrestypeormtypescript

Devops stack

    awsazureci/cddigitaloceandockergithub actionsshell


Junior Typescript developer / 2016 - 2017


I designed GraphQL gateway and connected bunch of different APIs together with one single giant schema using Typescript and Node. Additionally, I did serverless application used for image processing and size reduction with automatic variants generator based on different device resolutions.


I was a solo developer responsible for prototypes development, discovering the unknown universe of AWS cloud environment. It was really great! 🚀


I developed image processing and GraphQL gateway with Node and Typescript! Finally, served that stuff with Serverless and AWS!

Frontend stack


Backend stack


Devops stack



Junior PHP & Javascript developer / 2014 - 2015


I was responsible for leading a team and development of a casino machine game using pure Javascript and real-time physics simulation tools. Additionally, I’ve been working with PHP & Nette and did minor improvements to already existing projects.


Hah! I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was just doing it and I did it well. 💪


I developed casino machine game using Javascript and additionally solving unknown black magic in PHP

Frontend stack


Backend stack


Devops stack


And before all of that...

The cheapest freelancer working for anyone!

Yeah, I sucked hard and didn't even knew how to properly sell it! 😂

Have a nice day!

I'm done.


Psst! I know how to completely destroy a production database. People tell me not to mention that, but it takes some skill too.

All rights reserved © Miroslav Zeman 2022